holiday reports

We write a report after each holiday. These are crammed with photos which makes them too big to host on the website! But you can download copies via dropbox, at the links below:

holiday feedback

After each holiday, we seek feedback from our volunteers and our holiday-makers’ families. You can download the reports here:

We also gather informal feedback from holiday-makers themselves and we’re working on doing this better - in 2022 we will start using Talking Mats to gather feedback.

Duty of Candour reporting is a Scottish Government requirement to apologise for, reflect on, learn from and share information about harms that take place in a health or social care service. SuperTroop publishes annual Duty of Candour reports in fulfilment of this responsibility.

duty of candour reporting

Trustees’ annual report and accounts

Supertroop registered as a charity in January 2017 and started fundraising in summer 2017. You can download our official annual report from the Board of Trustees, which is combined with our annual accounts.