What have you been up to in Lockdown?

As you will know, unfortunately our 2020 SuperTroop holiday wasn’t able to take place this week.

Some of you may have seen our video last month explaining this. During what should have been the SuperTroop 2020 holiday week, our team volunteers have been missing the kids massively (as we always do), but we have been using the time to take on some admin tasks instead. Some of the things we have been working on are; fundraising, online banking, and getting feedback about previous holidays (watch this space for more on that soon…).

A couple of our volunteers have also been discovering some activity ideas for the SuperTroop holidaymakers (thanks Suzanne and Craig!). For lots of fun activity ideas and inspiration, have a look at our front page of the website. Mostly this week though, we have just been wearing our SuperTroop hoodies to get us in the SuperTroop mood!

What have you been doing during lockdown? We’d love to hear from you. Tell us all about it on our social media pages.


Frankie, working away with a smile of her face!