SuperTroop September?

SuperTroop September?

SuperTroop September is our new community challenge push to raise funds for SuperTroop! SuperTroop September is for everyone! Whether you are a sports enthusiast, an elite cyclist, or just want to take on a fun challenge within your community. We’ve included some ideas for fundraising - but you’re welcome to come with your own ideas - plus all the information you should need to get going…

Log Carry smashes our fundraising record!

Log Carry smashes our fundraising record!

In March, we teamed up with our friends at Fettes for a fantastic Log Carry fundraising event. We were honoured to see almost 500 of the Fettes students take part, carrying a metal log up and down the drive at Fettes College for 24 hours – all in support of SuperTroop. The log – weighing 100 kg – was picked up at 3pm and wasn’t set down again the following day at the same time. No mean feat when you realise that this log weighs the same as a giant panda.